序号 | 论 文 名 称 | 作者(*) | 发表时间 | 发表刊物、会议名称及检索号或ISSN |
1 | Dietary thyroid hormone improves growth and muscle protein accumulation of black boned chickens | 贺建华(1T/5) | 200610 | British Poultry Science, ISSN: 0007- 1668. |
2 | Effects of different dietary oil sources on immune function in cyclophosphamide immunosuppressed chickens | 贺喜(1/3) | 200701 | Animal Feed Science and Technology, ISSN: 0377-8401. |
3 | Modulation of immune function by Conjugated linoleic acid in chickens | 贺喜(1/7) | 200710 | Food and Agricultural Immunology, ISSN: 0954-0105. |
4 | In vitro oxidation of essential amino acids by jejunal mucosal cells of growing pigs | 陈立祥(1/7) | 200701 | Livestock Science, ISSN: 1871-1413. |
5 | Catabolism of nutritionally essential aminoa cids in developing porcine enterocytes | 陈立祥(1/6) | 200912 | Amino Acids, ISSN: 1438-2199. |
6 | Dietary amylose and amylopectin ratio and resistant starch content affects plasma glucose, lactic acid, hormone levels and protein synthesis in splanchnic tissues | 邓近平(1/11) | 200801 | Journal of the Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, ISSN: 0931-2439. |
7 | Achyranthes bidentata polysaccharide enhances immune response in weaned piglets | 陈清华(1/3)贺建华(3T/3) | 200902 | Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, ISSN: 1532-2513. |
8 | 断奶及日龄对仔猪骨髓组织抗菌肽 PR-39 mRNA 表达的影响 | 赵玉蓉(1/4) | 200808 | 农业生物技术学报, ISSN: 1006-1304. |
9 | 低蛋白质日粮中净能水平和赖氨酸净能比对育肥猪生长性能和胴体品质的影响 | 张石蕊(2T/6) | 200911 | 动物营养学报, ISSN: 1006-267X. |
10 | Effects of dietary r-aminobutyric acid supplementation on performance and serum index of lactating sows
| 范志勇(1/4) | 200911 | ASAS-CAAV环太平洋地区动物科学大会论文集 |
11 | 不同方法测定生长猪内源磷排泄量及磷真消化率的比较研究 | 方热军(1) | 200502 | 畜牧兽医学报, ISSN: 0366-6964. |
12 | Comparison of the regression analysis technique and the substitution method for the determination of true phosphorus digestibility and faecal endogenous phosphorus losses associated with feed ingredients for growing pig | 方热军(1/8) | 200701 | Livestock Science, ISSN: 1871-1413. |
13 | The additivity of true or apperent phosphorus digestibility values in some feed ingredients for growing pigs | 方热军(1/11) | 200707 | Asian-Australian Journal of Animal Science, ISSN: 1011-2367. |
14 | Isolation and culture of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell by red blood cell lysis method | 邓近平(1) | 200702 | Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research, ISSN : 1673-8225 |
15 | 不同精粗比全混合日粮饲养技术对南方奶牛采食行为、产奶性能和血清游离氨基酸的影响 | 张石蕊(1) | 200808 | 草业学报, ISSN: 1004-5759. |
16 | 28~56日龄湘黄鸡真可消化钙需要量的研究 | 张石蕊(2T) | 200803 | 家畜生态学报, ISSN: 1673-1182. |
17 | 低蛋白质日粮不同能量水平对育肥猪生长性能和胴体性状的影响 | 张石蕊(2T) | 200903 | 动物营养学报, ISSN: 1006-267X. |
18 | 发酵乳酸杆菌对生长肥育猪生长性能和肉品质的影响 | 张石蕊(2T) | 200912 | 动物营养学报, ISSN: 1006-267X. |
19 | EGF、Gln和pGRF基因质粒对早期断奶仔猪肠道发育的影响 | 范志勇(1) | 200503 | 畜牧兽医学报, ISSN: 0366-6964. |
20 | g-氨基丁酸对哺乳母猪生产性能及血清激素水平的影响 | 范志勇(1) | 200504 | 动物营养学报, ISSN: 1006-267X. |
21 | Effects of SSP on levels of glucose, ammonia and amino acids in plasma of goats | 张彬(1/9) | 200503 | Journal of Kagoshima University |
22 | Dietary supplementation with atractylis macroceohala koidz polysaccharides enhances growth performance in pigs | 张彬(1/9) | 200604 | Journal of Animal Science, ISSN: 0021-8812. |
23 | Effects of small peptides on nitrogen balance and several indices in the portal veinous plasma of goats | 张彬(1/8) | 200703 | Small Ruminant Research, ISSN: 0921-4488. |
24 | Effects of PAM on immune function in weaned piglets | 张彬(2T/8) | 200704 | International Symposium on Animal Nutrition and Health and Feed Additive |
25 | 乳酸菌剂对鹌鹑夏季产蛋性能影响的研究 | 曲湘勇(1/3) | 200503 | 经济动物学报, ISSN:1007-7448. |
26 | 金属硫蛋白对奶牛抗热应激及SOD基因表达的影响 | 张彬(1/8) | 200708 | 应用生态学报, ISSN: 1001-9332. |
27 | 金属硫蛋白在奶牛公犊体内的代谢规律研究 | 张彬(1T/8) | 200801 | 草业学报, ISSN: 1004-5759. |
28 | 不同应激因子对鼠肝金属硫蛋白诱导合成的影响 | 张彬(2T/6) | 200910 | 中国实验动物学报, ISSN: 1005-4847. |
29 | 日粮中添加不同铜化合物对生长猪铜消化率和猪粪铜形态的影响 | 高凤仙(1/4) | 200802 | 生态与农村环境学报, ISSN: 1673-4831. |
30 | 不同铜浓度的猪粪对玉米光合特性的影响 | 高凤仙(1/4) | 200803 | 农业环境科学学报, ISSN:1672-2043. |
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